

Chiropractic focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. It is a natural, simple and effective approach to health and is the largest drug free, primary health care profession in the western world.

Chiropractic helps to promote and maintain good health by restoring correct movement and normal range of motion back into the joints of the body, in particular the spine. Chiropractor’s actions are straight forward. Find any area in the body where the trillions of nerve signal travelling every second between your brain and body are being blocked (this is called a subluxation complex) and unblock them scientifically and specifically (this is called an adjustment).

We strive to provide superior health and balance through Chiropractic care. Chiropractic is more than just making the pain disappear. It is about learning, understanding and taking care of your body to improve your quality of life. It is a practice that recognizes the body’s innate ability to heal and self-regulate itself.

Often it is a pain or discomfort that brings people to a Chiropractor, but Chiropractic care can go beyond the disappearance of the initial pain or discomfort and be used to support general health and well-being. Chiropractic supports the philosophy of a drug free approach to health care where the road to good health combines the different strategies of healthy living such and eating well, moving well and keeping a healthy and balanced mind.


There is now considerable research that shows that Chiropractic is as, if not more effective than standard medical care for the relief of mechanical sources of neck and back pain and other complaints of musculoskeletal origin.

It avoids over reliance on medication and addresses the source of the problem rather than masking the symptoms.

Movement feeds the brain – nerve signals, called ‘proprioception’ travel from properly moving joints to the brain and there are well documented ‘movement-learning’ and ‘movement-pleasure’ pathways that involve the spinal joints and the surrounding tissues and the nerve signals they supply to the brain. Normal movement at joints are required for this to occur.

 Chiropractic can help restore motion and normal range of movement back into joints and restore normal tissue function and thus the delivery of motion derived nutrients (proprioception) to the brain.

Chiropractic is based on the understanding that the natural state for our body is balance and health and true health comes when our body can grow, adapt and heal at its very best. The beauty of Chiropractic is in its simplicity. Chiropractic is a proactive and non-invasive health profession.

 We see people at all stages and ages of life. From pregnant moms, to babies that are days old through to the elderly and everyone in-between.

 If you remember how your body works – you will recall that you control and heal yourself – this all happens through your Nervous System.

The messages from your Brain flow down your Spinal Cord and along your Nerves to every part of your body – to every cell, tissue, organ, muscle and gland. Any interference or blockage to these messages may stop you from controlling and healing yourself.

Chiropractic goes beyond just symptomatic relief from aches and pains. In the same way that the nervous system controls your muscles, it also controls every other function of the cells, organs and tissues of your body. Chiropractors recognize that many factors affect your health, including exercise, nutrition, sleep, environment and heredity. However, Chiropractic focuses on maintaining your health naturally to help your body resist disease, rather than simply treating the symptoms of disease.

Chiropractic adjustments can improve other areas of your health such as your digestion, lung function, immune system, blood pressure. The nerves that run through the spine also control these areas and their functions. A chiropractic adjustment can help the nerves in the spine work properly; the end result is frequently an improvement in the way in which the brain and the body talk to each other and this encourages the body to work as it was designed.

Chiropractic care is a safe, natural way to help the body learn how to heal itself. Chiropractic treatment isn’t so much a way of fixing physical problems as it is a way of allowing your body to perform the healing it already knows how to do if it’s given the care and respect it needs.

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